It is a night before a full moon today.
It's already a beautiful moon night.
I went to a concert of my favorite group's 15th debut anniversary.
About 50,000 people.
Tokyo Dome is actually a home stadium of a baseball team, Giant's.
And it's the biggest indoor concert hall in Tokyo.
Many celestial events are going on since Super Moon, Annular Solar Eclipse
and a full moon & a partial eclipse of the moon tomorrow.
And the transit of VENUS and the summer solstice.
Many may feel unstable mentally and physically now.
Although people once look perfect, they might undergo conflicts behind the scene.
They just don't say that part.
When you envy somebody's bright sides,
please look at their dark sides too and then you can envy them
The bright light is becoming stronger from now on.
And the dark sides which could be hidden until now will be revealed
You prefer not seeing the dark sides,
But please watch them thoroughly.
I don't mean you should accept everything.
Accepting or not accepting them is the same.
Don't judge anything.
Just feel how you feel when you find such aspects of yours.
Releasing or not releasing them is also the same.
Everything is perfect and is going well.
The only thing I want you to remember is....
The Universe know what you truly wish.
How did you receive gifts from the Universe so far?
Did you predict the process?
Maybe the process how the gifts were delivered to you
was more beautiful and wonderful than you expected.
It is and it will be the same as it used to be.
The Universe know what you truly wish.
And Trust the Universe.
If you want to make your wishes come true,
please don't chase them and just forget them.
Instead, please focus on Truth, Virtue and Beauty filling this moment.
This is the shortcut to make your wishes come true.
Everything is all right.
my wishes and your wishes will come true.
Please enjoy the beautiful moon night!
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