
Talent, Timing & Place

She said, "It is not my place here. I should be in a higher place, which was supposed to be my right place. I was told in such a way" and she left.

Later, I heard she started a new project with other members I also knew.

She let other persons know her new project including friends I introduced her.
But she never let me know. I was totally excluded.

I thought we were close friends.

Was I in a lower place?
Did I do anything wrong to her?
Didn't I deserve to be her friend?

I was suffering.
I was thinking of the answer.

But I couldn't.

With other issues, most of the year 2013 was challenging to me.

However it seems over now.

I found the answer.

It is "Talent, Timing and Place".

Talent is shone most at right place in right timing.

Our talents are different so our right places and right timing are just different.

That's it! not higher or not lower.

Our right places and right persons are different.

Talent are fully shone when we are with right persons at right place in right timing.

I don't know what she meant. It is only she who knows the true meaning of what she said.
And she will receive what she deserves.

That's all.

I just found my talent, what I truly like and what make me truly happy.
I thought I knew it but I didn't know all.
When we know our true talent, life changing events are occurring.

Afterwards, my soul mates started contacting me.
We haven't known each other. They just appeared and are appearing.

When I am with them, I remember more what made me happy and what I liked to do.

Everything is being interacted.
We are being interacted.

Then I realized, "this is my place and my people I had been wishing for".

When I am at this point, I could translate what she said finally and I was free.

The below music was one of items to let me remember who I am and what I am.

The title is "Forgiveness".

I'll challenge new things but what I already did before with new people in the remaining 2013.




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